Booster Bylaws



ARTICLE I Name of Organization

The name of the organization shall be the Dawson Girls Basketball Booster Club (DGBBC).


Purpose and Dissolution

Section 1. The purpose of the organization shall be to support the Girls’ basketball program at Glenda Dawson High School, and promote excellence, pride, and good sportsmanship amongst the student body and community. The organization shall encourage parent, guardian and community involvement and strive to ensure that opportunities continue to be available to the students of Glenda Dawson High School.

Section 2. The organization shall operate in accordance with established rules and policies of Glenda Dawson High School, Pearland Independent School District, and the University Interscholastic League.

Section 3. Upon dissolution of the organization, the DGBBC Board shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all liabilities, dispose of all of the assets of the organization in such manner or to such other organizations organized or operated exclusively for charitable purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, as the Board shall determine.


Membership and Voting

Membership in the organization shall be open to all persons who desire to support Glenda Dawson High School Girls Basketball. Membership categories shall be as approved by the DGBBC Board. Voting privileges shall be limited to the membership purchased.


The Officers

The officers shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer  (Note: these may be combined but at least 3 officers must be specified.). Each office may be filled by two persons, but if so filled, shall have only one vote. Members eligible for office shall consist of parents or guardians of students attending Glenda Dawson High School during the next school term. Duties of the officers shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

President: The President shall preside at all general meetings and at all meetings of the Board. The President shall call special meetings as may be deemed necessary. The President shall preside over ceremonial events and provide general representation for the organization at all Girls basketball events. The President and Secretary shall have custody of the DGBBC Constitution and Bylaws of the organization. The President will automatically be an ex officio member of any and all committees. Also, the President will assist the Vice President.

Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President and perform all duties of the President in that person's absence. The Vice President should take over the responsibilities of the President in the event that office is vacated.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all regular and special meetings, take care of the correspondence, shall have custody of the DGBBC Constitution and Bylaws of the organization along with the President and shall attend to any duty prescribed by the President.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all funds and disburse those funds as approved by the DGBBC Board. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed and submit a financial report at all scheduled meetings as well as financial reports to the Financial Services department of PISD. The Treasurer shall oversee the collection and deposition of all money by means of receipt; keep complete ledger accounts of the finances, including data logging and properly classifying expenditures. The Treasurer shall be responsible for disbursement of funds and be custodian of the books, vouchers, and financial records of the organization.


The Board


Section 1. The affairs of the organization shall be conducted by the DGBBC Board. The Board shall consist of the Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer).

Section 2. A quorum of the DGBBC Board shall be defined as at least 3 officers.

Section 3. The DGBBC Board shall act for the organization as necessary between regular meetings, set meeting time and place and make recommendations to the general membership. No actions taken shall conflict with actions taken by the general Girls basketball membership in regular or called meetings.

Section 4. Any Board member must purchase a booster membership.




Section 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a chairman and three other members chosen by the DGBBC Board from the membership at large. The Nominating Committee shall meet in September of each year, and with the exception of the Committee Representative present its nominees for officers for the following year at the annual meeting held in March of each year. Following the presentation of the report of the Nominating Committee, additional nominations may be made from the floor by any member. A nomination must receive a second in order for the person nominated to become a nominee.

Section 2. Following nominations, officers shall be elected by the membership at large for a one year term commencing September 1.

Section 3. All officers shall be eligible for re-election to the same position not to exceed two consecutive terms.

Section 4. Inability to perform or lack of attendance at three consecutive, regularly scheduled meetings may result in removal by a majority vote of the DGBBC Board.

Section 5. Any vacancy in an office occurring during the term of office may be filled by appointment of the DGBBC Board.


Fiscal Year and Meetings


Section 1. The fiscal year of the organization shall begin July 1 and shall end on June of the following year.

Section 2. Meetings of the Girls Basketball Boosters shall occur a minimum of four times each year or at such other times as may be established by the DGBBC Board. Special meetings shall be held at the call of the President or at the call of any two other officers.

Section 3. A quorum of the general membership shall be a quorum of the DGBBC Board and at least 10% members-at-large.

Section 4. A reasonable effort shall be made to inform the general membership of time and place of each meeting of the organization, not less than five days prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 5. All questions of parliamentary procedure, not provided for in the forgoing Bylaws shall be decided by reference to Robert's Rules of Order.




Section 1. The following shall constitute the standing committees of the organization: Fundraising, Hospitality, Membership, Concessions, Sponsorships, and Attendance/Marketing.

Section 2. Committee chairs shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the officers. All committees shall be composed of a chairperson and volunteers from the membership. Any voting member in good standing shall be eligible for committee chairperson or committee membership.

Section 3. The Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for coordinating all Girls Basketball Booster fundraising projects, particularly with regards to the handling of Spirit Item sales. Responsibility for Concession fundraising shall reside with the Concessions Committee. All fundraising must be approved by the Pearland Independent School District and GDHS.

Section 4. The Concessions Committee shall be responsible for ensuring the efficient operations of the concession stands including the provision of all products for sale, the scheduling of volunteers and payment of student groups operating the concession, accounting of receipts and reporting to the Treasurer.

Section 5. The Banquet Committee shall be responsible for refreshments and door prizes at each regularly scheduled general membership meeting, arranging the attendance of special guests such as coaches, and coordinating the Athletic Banquets.

Section 6. The Sponsorship Committee shall be responsible for coordinating and soliciting business sponsors and projects. All sponsorship projects must be approved by the Pearland Independent School District and GDHS.

Section 11. Other committees, either standing or temporary may be established by the Board.


Income and Expenditures


Section 1. Membership dues shall be established annually by the DGBBC Board.

Section 2. Fundraising activities shall be those as determined by the DGBBC Board, and GDHS. All funds raised in support of any sports activity shall inure to the benefit of the DGBBC.

Section 3. All funds donated by the DGBBC to the Athletic Department of Glenda Dawson High School shall be contributed in accordance with established rules of the University Interscholastic League.

Section 4. All funds donated to the support of sport activities shall be expended only in accordance with these Bylaws and supplementary procedures established by the DGBBC Board.

  1. Request for funds shall be in the format attached to these Bylaws as Attachment A, and shall bear the signatures of the requesting coach (if applicable), and GDHS.
  2. Upon receipt of a  properly  compiled request for funds, the  disbursement of funds may be authorized by majority vote of the DGBBC Board, which majority shall not be less than four votes, or by a majority vote of the general  membership.
  3. Disbursement, when properly approved, shall be only to Glenda Dawson High School with the request that they are dedicated to the purpose for which they were approved. Funds may not be given directly to the athletic department.

Section 5. The DGBBC Board shall present an annual budget to the membership of the DGBBC at the first regular meeting of the fiscal year for approval. The DGBBC Board authorizes expenditures and cannot deviate from budget by more than 20%, except on operating expenditures, without prior approval of the general membership.

Section 6. Funds required to pay any applicable sales taxes shall be paid by, and are the sole responsibility of, DGBBC.




Section 1. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws may be submitted by any members to the President or Vice President. If approved, the proposal shall be submitted to the DGBBC Board.

Section 2. Any proposed amendment submitted to the DGBBC Board shall be considered at the next regular meeting of the Girls Basketball Boosters. The amendment shall be adopted if it receives a majority vote of the membership in attendance at the meeting. The foregoing Constitution and Bylaws were duly adopted on 10/12/22 by persons interested in forming the Dawson Girls Basketball Booster Club.


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  • the Bradshaw family...
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  • The Barre family...
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  • Anonymous...
  • The Damian family...
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  • the Valecillos family...
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  • Anonymous...
  • the Vorady family...
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  • the Schack Pautler family...
  • the Shuler family...
  • Aniyah Jackson & Family...
  • the McCoy family...
  • the Lyons family...
  • the Griffin family...
  • Allison Alvarado...
  • the Perez-Richard family...
  • The RA Brown Legal Group...
  • the cox family...
  • The Rodriguez-White Family...
  • the Hall family...
  • Ford Family...
  • Anonymous...
  • the Herrera & Pineda family...
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  • the Lucas family...
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  • The Phelps Family...
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