Booster Club Positions

Executive Board

President – Oversight of the Girls Baskebtall Booster Club. This includes regular meetings with the designated district representative regarding booster activities, coordinating communications between the Coaches and the Club members, coordinating the work of the officers and committees of the organization to meet club needs, presiding at all meetings of the organization and providing agendas, resolving problems in the membership, regularly meeting with the treasurer of the organization to review the organization’s financial position, scheduling annual audit of records or request an audit if the need should arise during the year, and performing any other specific duties as outlined in the bylaws of the organization.

Vice President – Oversight of all club committees. This includes presiding at meetings in the absence or inability of the president to serve, performing administrative functions delegated by the president guiding and supporting the work of the committees, communicating regularly with committee chairs, and performing other specific duties as outlined in the bylaws of the organization.

Secretary – Chronicles and maintains organization records. This includes reporting on any recommendations made by the executive board of the Dawson Girls Basketball Booster Club if such a governing board is defined by the bylaws, maintaining the records of the minutes, approved bylaws and any standing committee rules, current membership and committee listing, recording all business transacted at each meeting of the association as well as meetings of any executive board meetings in a prescribed format, maintaining records of attendance of each member, conducting and reporting on all correspondence on behalf of the organization and other specific duties as outlined in the bylaws of the organization.

Treasurer – Oversight of budget, all expenditures and income. This includes preparing monthly budget reports, serving as chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee if prescribed within the bylaws of the organization, issuing a receipt for all monies received and depositing said amounts on a weekly basis (daily if receipts on hand exceed $ 200.00), presenting a current financial report to the executive committee and general membership within thirty days of the previous month end, filing current financial reports with the district representative on a monthly basis, maintaining an accurate and detailed account of all monies received and disbursed, reconciling all bank statements as received and resolving any discrepancies with the bank immediately, filing sales tax reports as required by the comptroller’s office (monthly, quarterly, or annually), filing annual IRS form 990 in a timely manner, preparing an annual budget to be voted on by the membership in October of each year, submitting records to audit committee appointed by the organization upon request or at the end of the year and other specific duties as outlined in the bylaws of the organization.

Chair and Committee Positions

Fundraising Chair – Oversight of all fundraising. This includes oversight of all fundraising activities, preparation of a Fundraising plan to be voted on by the Executive Board and general membership  each year, obtaining approval for fundraisers from GDHS Administration.

Concessions Chair – Responsible for procuring and stocking the concession stand.  Coordinate with Softball any price changes on products. Maintain the concession account  and inform treasurer/committee when balances have been depleted.  Responsible for delivering all monies taken at concession to the treasurer.

Sponsorship  Chair– Oversight of all sponsorships sales. Manage sponsorship committee. Follow up on sponsors and renewals. 

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  • the Washington family...
  • The Swifts...
  • the Perez-Richard family...
  • Ehryn Latins Family...
  • the Beck family...
  • Thomas Family...
  • the Bradshaw family...
  • The Cortez Family...
  • The Vorady Family...
  • the Howard family...
  • the Lyons family...
  • the Herrera & Pineda family...
  • the Simmons family...
  • The Rodriguez-White Family...
  • The Barre family...
  • Anonymous...
  • Ford Family...
  • The Smith family...
  • Anonymous...
  • Munoz family...
  • Aniyah Jackson & Family...
  • Eric Reeves & Shelly Cox...
  • The Sanchez Family...
  • the Schack Pautler family...
  • The Blackmon family...
  • The Mortenson Family...
  • the Camario family...
  • The Jabbar Family...
  • the Valecillos family...
  • The Brown Family...
  • Heard family...
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